Blog de José A.

For many, the end of the course means a period of relief and friendship bonds. It is as well when exams become more tangible, and our feeling of being under constant pressure skyrockets.

More importantly, this should be the right time to ckeck our learning experience and weighing the pros and cons: What have we learnt? What have we missed out? What can I do to imporve those questionable skills? This could be the best kick-off for next-year, new-level learning experience.

We wish you good luck during your examination period and hope to see you again next year!

At times, we wonder how we could improve our listening skills in a continuous way. Like we do in football, we could also find a topic we're keen on, or more importantly, a series that could meet our needs. There's a series online, fully available on youtube, which is ideal for beginners, pre-intermediate, or intermediate students, who can watch it whenever. It is called Extra English, and below you may find a sample episode. Enjoy it!

The frustration felt by many when travelling abroad and not finding people who speak your language, is one of the reasons to add "learning languages" to our bucket list. However, the learning process is not a matter of one-year course or a few weeks in class: it involves full-time commitment and self-study. These are key to keep the language coming back to you when needed.

The following video is an exception of those who say not to speak English, in an attempt to get away with it.

Have you ever written down (transcribed) a conversation between native or proficient speakers of English?

If you have, you will know that natural conversation is far more chaotic, far less structured than written text. It contains lots of reformulation, repetition, false starts, incomplete sentences, formulaic phrases, and unfinished questions.